A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech
The principal at Tillie’s school loves his school and thinks it is a “fine, fine school”. He loves it so much he decides that they should start having school on Saturdays. After a while he decides they should also start having school on Sundays. The principal calls everyone together one day (the teachers and students are very nervous as to what this announcement could be) and Mr. Keene has decided that because it is such a “fine, fine school” they should also start going to school on holidays and during the summer. Tillie starts to realize though that she doesn’t have time to teach her dog how to sit or to teach her little brother how to skip or swing because she’s at school all of the time. Tillie goes to Mr. Keene with her concerns and, well, you’ll just have to read the book to find out what he thinks about not spending as much time at his “fine, fine school”. 🙂
This is a fun one for kids as they head back into the classroom. It’s a good discussion starter too. What kinds of things would you want to learn about if you had to go to school every day? What would you miss the most if you spent all of your time at school? What things do you learn at home that you may not know if you were at school all the time?