I Want TWO Birthdays! by Tony Ross

April 30, 2012 - 4:46 pm No Comments

Little Princess loves to have birthdays, so much so that she would like to have two birthdays a year. Well, she IS a princess and so the Prime Minister puts two birthdays on the calendar for her. Well, if two is good then three or four must be even better. That seems like such a great idea that she talks the Prime Minister into making every day her birthday, but she soon finds out that cake isn’t quite as tasty when you have to eat it every day and dressing up isn’t quite as much fun when you have to do it every day. The presents people get you aren’t so great either because they can’t afford to get you something nice every single day. The Princess comes up with a plan to have one special day a year to celebrate and decides to have an unbirthday once a year instead.

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